Options for Deposit Insurance Reform
Options for Deposit Insurance Reform outlines three options to reform the nation's deposit insurance system. The report first discusses the events of March 2023, and then reviews the history of deposit insurance in the United States. It then discusses the objectives and possible consequences of deposit insurance, and tools that may be used to support the objectives and address possible consequences. The report examines three options for deposit insurance reform that range in their departure from the status quo: Limited Coverage, Unlimited Coverage, and Targeted Coverage. The report describes how each option, if pursued, may be considered alongside other tools to maximize its efficacy.
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- Table of Contents
- Section 1: Executive Summary
- Section 2: Introduction and Background
Background - Section 3: History of Deposit Insurance in the U.S.
The History of FDIC Insurance Coverage Limits
The Transaction Account Guarantee Program
Composition of Deposits
History of Uninsured Depositor Losses
What's Different Today? - Section 4: Objectives and Possible Consequences of Deposit Insurance
Possible Consequences - Section 5: Tools to Support Objectives and Address Possible Consequences
Bank Regulation and Supervision
Deposit Insurance Pricing
Fund Adequacy - Section 6: Options for Increased Deposit Insurance Coverage
Limited Coverage
Unlimited Coverage
Targeted Coverage
Excess Deposit Insurance Coverage
Additional Options - Section 7: Conclusion
- References
- Data Library