Know Your Risk. Protect Your Money.
To increase the public’s awareness of deposit insurance and how it can protect people’s money in the event of a bank’s failure, the FDIC developed a national consumer campaign, “Know Your Risk. Protect Your Money.” The campaign reaches people who may have lower confidence in the U.S. banking system or who are unbanked, as well as those who use mobile payment systems, alternative banking services and financial products that may appear to be FDIC-insured but are not.

90 Years of the FDIC
90 years ago, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Banking Act of 1933 into law, creating the FDIC. While much has changed since the Great Depression, the FDIC has remained true to its mission — that banks operate safely, soundly, and fairly. In all that time, no one has lost a penny of their insured deposits.

Opening a bank account is one of the most important steps consum ers take towards reaching their financial goals. To raise awareness of the benefits of bank account ownership, FDIC collaborated with financial institutions, local government, and community organizations in select cities to launch a series of video and radio ads.