Mortgage Lending
Mortgage lending is an important element of many community banks’ business and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) strategies. The FDIC’s Affordable Mortgage Lending Center is designed as a resource for community banks to help them compare a variety of current affordable mortgage programs and to identify the next steps if they seek to expand or initiate affordable mortgage lending. Offering affordable mortgage loans to a wide range of customers can deepen bank customer relationships and provide an important pathway for borrowers to own their own homes and participate in the mainstream banking system.

Federal Agencies and Government Sponsored Enterprises Programs & Products
Includes guarantee, loan purchase, and subsidy programs that can facilitate mortgage lending by insured depository institutions and other home finance products.

State Links for Housing Finance Agencies
State Links provide easy access to specific affordable housing programs and products offered by each State Housing Finance Agency.

Quick Links for Federal Home Loan Bank Summaries
Quick links provide easy access to specific products and services offered by each Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB).

Find data, fact sheets, and other mortgage lending studies from the FDIC and other federal resources.