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FDIC Federal Register Citations From: Kenneth Schlather [mailto:ks47@cornell.edu] Robert E. Feldman Gentlemen Re RIN 3064-AC50: I strongly oppose the proposed rule changing the Community Reinvestment
Act regulations. The proposed change would allow banks with assets above
$250 million (up to $1 billion) to be examined as small banks under the
Community Reinvestment Act. More than 650 banks controlling more than 25% of
the assets of all banks with assets of $1 Billion or less would qualify for
less stringent examination with respect to the CRA, and this policy would
reduce lending, investments and services in low-income communities. The net
effect would be to undermine low and moderate income communities. Please do
not adopt this rule. Respectfully, Ken Schlather PhD
Last Updated 11/05/2004 | regs@fdic.gov |