In This Issue
- January Monthly Message from the FDIC
- Upcoming Money Smart Train-The-Trainer Event
- FDIC & CFPB Joint Event
- New Money Smart for Young Adults
- Latest FDIC Consumer News Edition
January Monthly Message from the FDIC
January is known for new beginnings and fresh starts. According to a recent issue of the FDIC Consumer News, it’s a great time to start the year with a deeper understanding of your finances. To ensure that you get a fresh, financial start for 2023, take a look at past bank statements to help you check your spending habits, plan your budget for the New Year, and avoid future fees.
- Are you on track to meet your financial goals?
- Do you want to have control over day-to-day, month-to-month finances?
- Do you want to have the capacity to absorb a financial shock?
Your response to each of these questions will help you measure your financial health. If you would like to learn more about improving your financial health, check out the FDIC How Money Smart Are You? It is a suite of 14 games and related resources with information about everyday financial topics. It’s based on the FDIC award-winning Money Smart program.
Join us on social media using the #FDICMoneySmart and show us the Money Smart products in action!
Upcoming Money Smart Train-The-Trainer Event
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will host a Money Smart Train-the-Trainer webinar for “America Saves Week” on February 22, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM ET. Learn more about Money Smart and how to use the program in your community during “America Saves Week.”
America Saves notes that most Americans don’t have enough savings to cover an unexpected emergency. Yet, financial experts recommend setting aside enough money to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses, in the event of a major financial surprise. This training will provide tips and resources that you can use as part of your community-based training to help your consumers build a well-funded emergency account to get through tough times without the need to spend other savings, such as, assets designated for retirement and college. Find registration and more information here.
FDIC & CFPB Joint Event
Join the FDIC and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) March 1, 2023, from 2:00 – 3:30 PM ET for a webinar on combatting elder financial exploitation in preparation for National Consumer Protection Week. Learn how to use Money Smart for Older Adults instructor-led curriculum and resources. A joint program of CFPB and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Money Smart for Older Adults encourages advance planning and informed financial decision making while raising awareness among older adults and their caregivers on how to prevent elder financial abuse. Register here.
New Money Smart for Young Adults
The FDIC has recently released an updated version of Money Smart for Young Adults (MSYA). The MSYA instructor-led curriculum provides trainers the resources they need to help their students or consumers with practical knowledge, skill-building opportunities, and resources young adults can use to manage their finances with confidence. Instructors can use it to deliver unbiased, relevant, and accurate financial education, whether they are new or experienced trainers. This newly released version of MSYA includes the following updates:
- Target age range for this version is now 16 to 24 year olds (changed from ages 12 to 20 year olds)
- Includes more interactive exercises
- Uses Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) curriculum review tool to update the content (consumerfinance.gov)
- New pre- and post-knowledge assessments
- New look and feel of the curricula and format
The MSYA curriculum consists of 12 modules that cover basic financial topics. Each module guides instructors on what to say and do. The materials are available for immediate download on our website.
Latest FDIC Consumer News Edition
The January 2023 edition of the FDIC Consumer News is titled “Credit Card Checks and Cash Advances,” which provides tips to help manage your finances. Read the full article here.
Current Newsletter:
Additional Links

Money Smart Alliance
Learn, collaborate and grow with FDIC’s recognized organizations that use Money Smart.

Teacher Online Resource Center
Here you will find tools to help you teach financial education including lesson plans, videos, and other resources

Train-the-Trainer Program
Provides guidance with videos, workshops, and webinars

Training & Events
Announcements of upcoming Money Smart events for Train-the-Trainer and Small Business events